The Forecast Calls For...?

What happened, Mr. Weather Man?!? I thought we were going to finally see some rain in the Twin Cities! We were supposed to have rain off and on all weekend from Saturday night through Monday. I set my rain gauge back up, I readied my rain barrel... I was ready! We got drizzle at best. It is supposed to be cooler this week, so I can probably get away with not starting to water the garden. There's another chance of rain forecast for next weekend. We'll see.


  1. Well, we did get a bit of rain today, Monday. I am still annoyed. Elleni

  2. I was COUNTING on rain to green up my garden while I'm out of town. It poured here in Summerville, SC.

  3. Checked the rain gauge, we got about 1/8th of an inch of rain on Monday.

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