Theodore Wirth Park gardens

We're lucky to have some very fine municipal parks in the Twin Cities. One of my favorites is the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden. I took a hike through the park yesterday. Hepatica is blooming and the trout lillies are also blooming in sunnier locations. Even a few trillium are showing their little white faces. The bloodroot are beginning to drop their petals, so if you want to see them you better visit the park today.
The bog walk is just a fairly short distance from the wildflower garden although I usually chose to drive from one to the other. I saw a pair of wood ducks on the pond and heard the riotous noise of the spring peeper frogs. Yesterday was a severe weather warning testing day and I could easily hear them over the sirens.

This would be a good time to visit the Lake Harriet Rock Garden to see all the pasque flowers.


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